Dr. Gail Augustine

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Are You Focused Or Fixated? Your Choice.

A couple of years ago, my younger daughter took me to the movies to see a recent release movie, FOCUS. When first invited to go to the movies with her, my first instinct was to decline the invitation. 

The idea of Will Smith, as the main character in the movie called Focus only seemed like a comedy and a comedy was not relatively appealing to me on a Sunday afternoon. However, with some persuasion, I gave in and went to the movies. In retrospect, the irony is that the movie's biggest flaw was it lacked focus! Contrary to the title, there were so many twists and turns that fundamentally did not depict the notion of focus for the audience to emanate.  

The word focus when used as a verb means to concentrate, to give your full attention to what you are doing or to what is happening in your life. When asked to be focus it calls for a none distractable posture that allows an individual to direct their energy on a goal or task to be attained. It requires an outcome that is of excellence and worthy of the time and effort invested. For this cause, individuals sort after a posture that yields productivity.

An average person is focused on a dream or a goal in life. 

They tend to get up each day with some conviction to gain or leverage their aspiration or commitment to accomplish their dreams. Their focus is oftentimes distracted by family obligations, phone calls, friends, life’s problems, or sometimes their own internal struggles. The focus is broken without fulfilling the ultimate aspiration. The problem is that refocusing is not an easy task and it requires energy and or perhaps synergy to regain the drive to focus. The irony is that earth scientist refers the word focus as the exact position in the earth where an earthquake begins. This lends itself to a fixated place essentially illustrating that being focused requires fixation.  

When you are fixated on a target knowing that your heavenly Father is with you creating a synergistic flow that is unstoppable. Cambridge dictionary asserts that synergy is defined as the combined power of a group of things when they are working together that is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately. When you seek to focus on a goal, it is just that. You are focusing as an entirety, but when you are in alignment with the plan and purposes that your heavenly Father has for your life this fixation is called a synergic flow that is undeniable. 

Although research may attempt to demonize fixation warning of the risk associated with this practice, the issue lies not in the practice but the images that are held in an individual’s thoughts when fixated. The pathology of fixation does not in itself constitute a threat to individuals’ equilibrium, it is the image that an individual ruminates on when fixated. The matter then becomes important for one to take an extreme step in maintaining images that resonate with peace, serenity, aspiration, inspiration, and productivity.

Philippians 4:8: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are truewhatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."


Be fixated on images that are true and keep your faith active!